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Doctor Who Alphabet

Typography/Illustration, 2016

Illustrated alphabet based on the show, "Doctor Who" and the font "Cooper Black." Utilized the classic series and the reboot.


  1. A - Ice Warrior
  2. B - 10th Doctor 3D Glasses
  3. C - 9th Doctor Banana
  4. D - 6th Doctor Coat
  5. E - Reaper
  6. F - Dalek
  7. G - Rani
  8. H - Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
  9. I - Adipose
  10. J - 7th Doctor Hat and Umbrella
  11. K - Weeping Angel
  12. L - 2nd Doctor Recorder
  13. M - Cyberman
  14. N - 10th Doctor Converse
  15. O - Fobwatch
  16. P - 4th Doctor Bag of Jelly babies
  17. Q - 4th Doctor Scarf
  18. R - Ood
  19. S - Slitheen
  20. T - Timelord Traditional Collar
  21. U - Wirrn
  22. V - 5th Doctor Vest and Celery
  23. W - Classic Series Silurian
  24. X - 3rd and 11th Doctor Sonic Screwdrivers
  25. Y - 1st Doctor Outfit
  26. Z - TARDIS

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